Sunday, May 10, 2020


Dear All
Council of Industrial and Research (CSIR) under its  Scientific Social Responsibility had launched "JIGYASA platform-A Student-Scientist Connect Program"  for school teachers and students. Among various models of engagement in this program, a webinar series (primarily for students), namely, "Let's Talk Science: What, Why, and How?",  has been started in the current lock-down situation for inculcating 'Scientific thinking and Temperament'.
In this series, on the occasion of technology day, DG, CSIR, Prof. Shekhar C. Mande, will talk upon "Can Technology Combat COVID-19?" on 'JIGYASA CSIR' Youtube channel (easily reachable by Google search engine) or you can use the following link:

This webinar series is open to all and requires no password for access. This lecture (mentioned above) will be in English and shall be live on 11th May 2020 at 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm [Indian Standard time (IST)] on the above-cited youtube channel. Further, the lecture will also be available on the channel after the webinar. It will be highly appreciable if you share the information with your colleagues, public, schools, and teachers.

You can also subscribe channel for future updates on lecture series.  Also, you can mail your questions on this mail ID ( to be addressed on this topic.

Mother's day